Thursday, June 24, 2010

All about love

Love is something heavenly, something soothing, and also sometimes painful. Its all about the matter of heart.
To love u gotta be brave enough to express, the heart comes in there. Again if u fall in love, u'll start caring for the person and the heart comes in there. To impress him or her, without your own knowledge u start doing things of great help to others, the heart comes in there. Confidence in love? requires your heart. Above all these situations, comes the last stage of love where u get rejected for your love, believe it or not, there again u must have the heart to take things easily. This is about the role the heart plays.
Coming to the practical things, if u are sure that u are in love with a person, its better that u tell your friends about it. So that they also might be of help. And then the later stages depends on the heart as i stated above. But in case if u r not sure about you love, its better to keep it away from your friends, cause ya all know what they'll do. They'll start making positive comments and statements comparing both of u. If the person has interest in you, there's not gonna be a problem. But if thats not the case, its a big issue. When your friends do that, u who is actually not in love with her, will start liking her and slowly will fall for her out of your notice. And then you are the one in trouble. Its gonna be heavily one sided and its gonna be real hard to come outta this one.

So these are all the things u people must know and be aware about love. ope this shoes some light on your thoughts. There are more to come later. Queries and comments are welcome